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Housing Authority Minutes 01/04/2011

The regular meeting of the LHA was held on Tuesday Jan.  4, 2011 at 3:00 PM at the Curtis.
  • The meeting was called to order by Chairman Nasman at 3:00 PM.
  • Roll Call:              Present – Cindy Nasman, Chairman
   Catherine May, Vice Chairman/State Appointee
   Tess Sorrentino, Treasurer
   Jan Ward, Member
   Marge Pero, Member
   Martha Joyner, Exec. Dir.      Others:  None     Absent - None
  • Tenant Forum
No topic requests for agenda.  Exec. Dir. has sent a notice to all TT/Curtis tenants regarding bi-annual rent recertifications this year.  No Soc. Sec. increase therefore rents will remain at the current amount. If a tenant reports a 10% change in income an adjustment will be made according to the lease terms.
  • Minutes/Dec. regular meeting.
Jan made a motion to accept, Tess seconded, all in attendance voted in favor. Minutes will be forwarded to the town web site.  
  • Accounts payable/Dec...
Accounts payable for Dec. were approved.  Nov. account reconciliation distributed, no subsidy earned as of this date, 4001 bal. approximately $41,000,
689 MMA transfer of $ 4471.68 to 4001, as of 12/31/10 Curtis porch fund balance $1439.49 including $1025 in donations. Allowing the continuation of The Curtis Consignment Shop was discussed.  The LHA does not need the space at this time so for now it is a good use of the space and it is contributing to the porch fund.  It was agreed by all present that the board should be updated on vendors/finances.  Cathie made a motion to give the shop a three month continuation and request a monthly update on finances and vendors and ask Frank Salvaggio to attend the March meeting to give a report.  Jan seconded and all in attendance voted in favor.    
  • Project updates
Curtis porch corner – Exec. Dir. reported again that the column shafts should be shipped soon and they will be installed with railings asap.
  • Vacancies
As of 1/1/11 Curtis – 1, TT – 0 (two expected Feb. 1), Families –0.
  • CPA
The Exec. Dir. will give the progress update on the porch restoration on 1/10. Roy Goldsmith will attend as well to answer any questions.   Other sources of funding will be stressed along with the attention to detail of the restoration.  FY’12 application is due 1/13. The board held a lengthy and thoughtful discussion on how much funding should be requested in the interest of fairness to possible other projects and if the LHA should submit two applications – one to continue a few more sections and one to complete the restoration.  The board concluded that the best approach was to get the CPC response to the update and gear the request accordingly.  
  • Old Business
Exec. Dir. drafted a proposed response to S. Barry/Curtis Assoc. for a compromise offer regarding payment of water/sewer fees for the board’s review.  A few additions were made to the letter, Exec. Dir. will send it out to Att. Boraski as soon as possible.

  • New Business
The annual Town of Lenox report is due 2/4/11.  Exec. Dir. will write a draft for the board’s review on 2/1/11.  Cindy asked all members to bring their ideas/plans for the open house to the Feb. meeting.  Jan requested a tour of our facilities including the attic, cellar, halls along with a variety of apartments before the open house.  Tess agreed that would be a good idea.  Cathie stated she had received a call from a Community Center staff member regarding a tenant falling, the Curtis front door closure, and a potentially slippery mat. Cindy asked Exec. Dir. if anyone had contacted her.  Exec. Dir. had not had any communication from them except about moving snow at the front overhang which is the town’s responsibility. Exec. Dir. knew about the fall (which is confidential information) and responded accordingly. Chris O’Brien was asked at the time of the incident to check the door closure to make sure it was adjusted properly and it was.  Cindy reminded Cathie that it was protocol to first contact the Exec. Dir. and that the Community Center staff has been told that in the past.   
Cindy reminded all members to give “new business” items to Exec. Dir. a week in advance of the scheduled meeting so items may be listed on the agenda as required.  
  • C. Nasman adjourned the meeting at 5:00 PM, all members in attendance voted in favor.
Cindy stated the next regular meeting will be Feb.1, 2011.

Respectfully Submitted,

Martha Joyner, Secretary to the Board
Executive Director                                    
